Piercing Healing - What to Expect
Congrats! Your recent piercing was expertly done in a clean and safe space, using top-notch techniques and quality bling. Now, it's up to you to keep that jewellery in tip-top shape.
Getting pierced is just the beginning. The piercer's done their part, but now it's all on you to nurture and protect your new bling. Got any questions? Like, what should you use to clean it? When's the right time to switch it up? And what's that weird bump all about
After getting the piercing, you should expect a bit of swelling, redness, and sensitivity in the pierced area. It's normal to have a little bit of bleeding right after, but that should stop pretty quickly. If the bleeding keeps going, it's best to get in touch with your piercer.
You might notice some gunk coming out of your piercing. Like, you might wake up and find crusts of yellowish stuff on the piercing and the jewellery itself. Don't panic and start worrying about metal allergies or infections.
- Let us break it down for you: clear, yellow fluid and those crusty bits are just part of the healing process, no worries.
- That stuff is called lymph; it's a natural thing your body does.
- But if the gunk turns opaque white, that could be a sign of pus, so get your piercer to take a look.
- If it goes green, that's a clear sign of infection, and you need to see a doctor ASAP.
- Don't go crazy with the cleaning if you've got an infection. Keep the jewellery in place and talk to a medical pro.
- If the gunk looks red, it means you're bleeding. Use a clean bit of paper to take care of it and check it out properly.
Follow these simple tips to make sure your healing process goes smoothly and without a hitch:
Look After Yourself: It's proper important to know how your body works so you can give your new piercing the best chance to heal. Make sure you eat well, drink plenty of Water, and keep a positive mindset.
Get Some Proper Rest: You'll need a good amount of kip to let your body do its healing magic. Make sure you catch enough sleep and try to live a stress-free life to give your body the best chance to recover.
Keep It Clean: Pay extra close attention to keeping everything squeaky clean. Your sheets, your glasses, anything that could touch your fresh piercing should be spotless. And don't forget to regularly clean your piercing as directed.
Think About Supplements: Maybe add a multivitamin to your daily routine. Ones with Zinc and Vitamin C can give your body's natural healing powers a boost. Being ill, stressed, or worn out can slow down the healing process, so it's good to strengthen your immune system.
Good Help Is Key: If things start going pear-shaped, don't hesitate to reach out. If you think your piercing might be infected, get in touch with a professional. Your well-being is what matters most, and we're here to assist you.
What to Avoid While Healing Body Piercing
Hands-Off Policy: Keep your mitts away from your piercing unless you're dealing with the cleaning business.
No Mouth Action: Don't go getting all oral with your piercing, and definitely avoid any contact with other people's bodily juices.
Listen to the Pros: Stick to the aftercare products and ointments your piercer recommends. Don't go experimenting with any other stuff.
No Creams or Makeup: Don't go slapping on lotions or makeup anywhere near your piercing.
Leave Water Out of It: Keep away from swimming pools, hot tubs, rivers, and all that wet stuff. If you really must, consider using a waterproof bandage. Just make sure it's breathable too, so your piercing can still get some air.
Don't Get Obsessive: Don't overdo it. Clean your piercing according to what's recommended - any more can slow down the healing process and cause issues.
Watch Your Lifestyle: You've got to keep an eye on things like feeling knackered, stressing too much, eating muck, or getting off your rocker on bad substances, all of which can make your healing times longer or cause problems.
Clean Beds Are a Must: Keep your whole sleep setup extra clean, especially if you share it with furry friends.
Special Oral Piercing Aftercare Needs
For extra care of your gob piercing, you'll need the following:
- A mouthwash or dental rinse that's antimicrobial and free of alcohol
- Some salty water solution.
During the early healing phase, use the antimicrobial mouthwash or dental rinse about 3 to 4 times a day. Give it a good swish around in your mouth for 30 to 60 seconds. And after each munch, keep up this routine throughout the whole healing period. Don't go overboard with the mouthwash, though; stick to the recommended usage of 4 to 5 times max a day, and space it out properly.
On top of that, give your gob a gentle swish with the saltwater solution for about 30 to 60 seconds, 3 to 4 times daily.
Remember, there's always a chance of infection with any piercing. To minimize that risk, make sure you follow your piercer's aftercare instructions, steer clear of dodgy water sources like pools or hot tubs, and hold back from touching your piercing with grubby mitts.