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First aid guide to stop piercing bleeding.

Stop Piercing Bleeding, First Aid Guide

A new piercing takes its time, whether it is an easier healing one like a lobe piercing or a somehow complicated one like a cartilage piercing. We know you certainly want to enjoy the everlasting look, but it takes time to set it in place, and you need to wait before removing the jewellery. 

Mostly, the thrill of showing your cute body piercing jewellery to friends comes to a screeching halt if your piercing won't stop bleeding. It can be a single drop or a crusty scab, but it is definitely not good for healthy healing.  

Is Piercing Bleeding Normal? 

Explanation: It is very normal for a new piercing to bleed in the initial days.

Some experts say a little blood isn't a big deal. In fact, it is very normal for a new piercing to bleed in the initial days, but you must follow the proper aftercare instructions given by your piercer. However, if it continues to bleed and the amount of blood is more to handle with slight infection, then clearly, your piercing is in the rejecting phase. It is always important to consider the red flags, which normally are: 

  • Excessive bleeding without any end 
  • Beating pain and persistent discomfort
  • Swelling or rash around the piercing area 
  • Infection indication due to pus or any yellowish discharge 
  • Soreness and redness spread all around 
  • Chills with fever due to infectious piercing 

Let's Break Why Piercings Bleed?

Discussion on why piercings bleed.

Nose Ring Problems: Piercings like the septum can bleed more due to lots of blood vessels there so don't fret and give it time.

Skin Sensitivities: Irritation from friction or jewellery allergies can make it bleed. Look for redness and swelling, and check the type of jewellery you are wearing.

Bumped It: Accidental bumps can reopen wounds, making them bleed again. Be mindful of your new bling.

Sleep Struggles: Sleeping on your stomach or side might put pressure on your piercing, causing bleeding. Opt for gentler sleeping positions.

How to Stop Piercing Bleeding?  

Steps on how to stop piercing bleeding.

As we always suggest, stay calm and take your time with a new piercing. It is going to take weeks' worth of aftercare and will irritate slightly. But once the healing is done, you may find yourself with plenty of jewellery options to wear and be as stylish as you want. So, let's look at how to prevent bleeding or stop a piercing from rotting to save you money and pain.

  • The very first and foremost step is to always go to a certified piercer; they know where to poke the hole, which can suit your body type and won't turn into an infection. 
  • Now let's come to cleaning; mostly, it is recommended twice a day with a simple cotton swab dipped in salt solution (saline solution). You can put it into a bottle and make a spray to easily apply the solution. 
  • A cold compress or ice can do wonders with the bleeding; once you have cleaned the blood, apply cold treatment for fast healing.  
  • Always wear premium quality body piercing jewellery, and don't poke the bear.

Some Extra Troubleshooting 

Additional troubleshooting tips for piercing care.

Now it is the time to learn if your piercing is just bleeding or are there other options. If you notice little annoyances like irritation bumps and fluid bumps, they can pop up for various reasons, but nothing we can't handle.

So, why do they show up? Well, sometimes it's from accidental knocks or bumps and other times, it could be because of low-quality jewellery or improper angles. 

Make sure you don't skimp on aftercare as that might lead to pesky bumps too. And don't forget about fluid bumps. They love moisture and you need to properly dry your piercing. 

Now, what should you do? First things first, don't panic. These bumps aren't always what they seem. They often get mistaken for scary stuff like keloids or infections. Those are super rare. 

Remember, bumps happen, but with a bit of TLC, will have you back on track in no time. 


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