When is the Best Time to Get Pierced?
Piercing is a simple process that requires proper timing, tools, jewellery and timing. When it comes to planning your new piercing jewellery, there is time that should be on your list, too.
Helix Piercing
The best time for a helix piercing is in autumn or winter. You won’t have to deal with excessive sweating, pool water, or summer heat messing with the healing process. Plus, your hair will be less likely to get tangled in the fresh piercing since you'll probably be wearing hats less often.
Conch Piercing
Spring and autumn are the best seasons for a conch piercing because you’ll avoid extreme weather conditions that can irritate a fresh piercing. Since this one takes longer to heal, you’ll want a time of year when you’re not constantly wearing headphones or earmuffs.
Nose Piercing
The best time to get a nose piercing is late summer or early autumn. Cold weather can make your nose run (not ideal for healing), and summer comes with sunscreen and sweat, which can be a problem for fresh piercings.
Daith Piercing
The best season for a daith piercing is spring. This avoids summer sweat and winter hats that can rub against it. If you're getting it for migraines, anytime works, but avoid peak allergy seasons that could lead to sinus issues.
Suspension Piercing
This one is more of an event-based piercing, so the best time depends on when you plan your suspension. However, cooler months are better since sweat and heat can make aftercare trickier.
Belly Button Piercing
Autumn or winter is the best time to get a belly button piercing. It takes months to heal, so by the time summer rolls around, you'll be ready to show it off without worrying about infections from swimming pools or tight, sweaty clothes.
Septum Piercing
A septum piercing heals relatively quickly, so it can be done year-round. However, winter isn’t ideal if you have a cold; summer means extra sweat. Spring or autumn is your best bet for a smooth healing process.
Corset Piercing
A corset piercing is best done in winter or autumn when you're not sweating excessively. Since these are surface piercings, you must avoid summer heat or tight summer clothing irritation.
Tragus Piercing
The best time for a tragus piercing is autumn. You want to avoid excessive summer sweating and winter hats pressing against it. If you use earbuds frequently, consider switching to over-ear headphones while it heals.
Rook Piercing
Spring is the best time for a rook piercing because you’ll avoid extreme cold that can make your ears stiff and painful while healing, as well as summer heat that increases sweat and irritation.
Ear Piercing
Basic ear piercings can be done anytime, but avoid extreme weather conditions. Spring and autumn are the best for healing without sweat, cold winds, or winter scarves rubbing against them.
Nipple Piercing
The best season for a nipple piercing is autumn or winter. You won’t have to deal with summer sweat irritating the area, and you can wear loose clothing without worrying about infection risks.
Industrial Piercing
An industrial piercing takes time to heal, so early autumn is the best choice. You’ll avoid the summer heat and winter scarves rubbing against the fresh piercing.
Eyebrow Piercing
Spring or early autumn is the best time for an eyebrow piercing since you'll avoid excessive sweating and won’t be dealing with cold weather that could irritate you when rubbing your face.
Labret Piercing
A labret piercing is best done in autumn or winter when you’re drinking fewer cold drinks and eating less spicy food, both of which can irritate a fresh piercing.
Tongue Piercing
Winter is the best time for a tongue piercing because you'll drink warm liquids that soothe the healing process. Plus, summer treats like ice cream are still an option if you need something cold to ease swelling.
Medusa Piercing
The best time for a medusa piercing is early autumn or winter. You won’t be drinking as many fizzy or acidic drinks, and you should avoid summer sweat that could irritate you.
Smiley Piercing
A smiley piercing can be done anytime, but winter is ideal since you’re less likely to drink cold, fizzy drinks or engage in activities that put pressure on your gums.
Dermal Piercing
Spring or autumn is the best time for a dermal piercing because you’ll avoid rubbing summer sweat and winter clothing against it. Healing takes a while, so pick a season when you’re comfortable.
Cartilage Piercing
A cartilage piercing heals best in spring or early autumn, avoiding extreme heat or cold that could cause irritation or longer healing times.
Getting a piercing is all about timing. You don’t just wake up and decide to get one without considering the season, healing process, and lifestyle factors. Let’s break it down and find the perfect time for each piercing!
Picking the right time for a piercing makes all the difference. A little planning means less irritation, faster healing, and no regrets. Stay smart, time it right, and confidently rock your new look.