Once you have reached your desired stretching stage or once your current stretched piercing has healed, there are endless jewellery choices you can choose from here at Monster Piercing.
Jewellery sizes also depend on the stage of stretching an individual is at, for example, fresh stretches will benefit more with materials and styles that aid in the healing process and minimise irritation. Once a stretch is healed, the options for materials and styles become more open. Below are some recommendations for all stretching enthusiasts:
FRESH STRETCHES: Aim to wear materials like Steel, Glass or Titanium which are easier to clean and less prone to cause infection or irritation as they are smoother on the skin and your fresh piercing. Single flared plugs are recommended for fresh stretches as they fit snug and don't require too much pressure to insert, combined with an O-ring on the back, this will ensure your plug sits comfortably too.
HEALED STRETCHES: Once your stretch stage has healed, you are free to shift to your preferred/favourite styles and materials, like Wood, Stone, UV (acrylic) or Silicone, which offer more variety, designs and freedom for self-expression.
PRO-TIP: For fresh stretches avoid Organic materials like wood, stone or horn as they are more prone to harbouring bacteria.